Edit Instructor
Screen Description
Edit information about an instructor in this Edit Instructor screen.
External Id
Id that identifies this instructor throughout UniTime
If possible, matches the university's employee Id
Cannot be changed by the user (unless an administrator adds a new setting with name "tmtbl.instructor.allowExternalIdEdit" and value "true" to make external id editable)
Can be looked up by clicking on the Lookup button (see description in Operations) if you enter the last name or the account name for the instructor
Account Name
If you know the university account name of a new instructor, you can look the person up by this account
First Name
First name of the instructor
The Lookup button next to the first name takes you to the People Lookup screen, pre-populated with the instructor's name; this lookup operates over all tables in UniTime (such as instructors, managers, ...), as opposed to the Lookup in the top/bottom row of buttons
Middle Name
Last Name
The only mandatory field in this screen
Instructor's email address
Shows the department selected in the Instructors screen
Position classification of this instructor
Note: This field is user maintained and is not required elsewhere in UniTime; it may be useful, however, for grouping instructors or in exports for departmental report
For your use only
Ignore Too Far
By default (when unchecked), the solver prohibits placement of back to back classes taught by the same instructor in rooms that are more than a short distance apart
If checked, the solver will strongly discourage but not prohibit long distances between back to back classes of this instructor
Use with caution!
When your timetable is created, make sure you check whether the instructor for whom you chose to ignore too far distances has a feasible timetable (that the instructor can in fact teach the classes that are back to back)
Update (Alt+U)
Save changes and return to the Instructor Detail screen
Delete (Alt+D)
Delete this instructor from the list of instructors
Takes you back to the Instructors screen
Note: The button is displayed only when there is no class or examination associated with this instructor
Lookup (Alt+L)
Look up this instructor's External Id (and other related information) in the imported staff tables
Takes you to the screen with the same name (Edit Instructor) which has the search results in it
First, you will see a list of matches by the university account (if you filled in the account name)
The second part are matches by last name regardless of department (if the instructor teaches for more than one department, you can see the same name with the same External Id displayed several times)
Click on the radio button in front of the correct person and click Select Instructor if you found the right match (that will populate the External Id of this instructor)
Click Cancel if you want to return to the previous screen without selecting anybody
Message "No matching records found" will appear in the Edit Instructor screen if there is no record matching the instructor's name or the account name that you entered
Previous (Alt+P)
Save changes and go to the Edit Instructor screen for the previous instructor in your list of instructors
Next (Alt+N)
Save changes and go to the Edit Instructor screen for the next instructor in your list of instructors
Back (Alt+B)
Return to the Instructor Detail screen without saving any changes