Edit Student Scheduling Status Types
Screen Description
The Edit Student Scheduling Status Types screen provides interface for editing all the student scheduling status types at once. Student scheduling statuses are used during student scheduling. A default student scheduling status can be set on the academic session (Edit Academic Session page) and overridden on a particular student (Online Student Scheduling Dashboard page).
The table with status types has the following columns
Abbreviation of the scheduling status (as displayed e.g. in the Students table in the Online Student Scheduling Dashboard screen)
Name of the scheduling status
Indicates whether the student has access to the Student Scheduling Assistant page
This also indicates whether student advisors and other administrative users can access the Student Scheduling Assistant page on behalf of the student
Student Enroll
Indicates whether the student can use the Enroll button (a student can have access to online scheduling assistant without the ability to make changes)
Advisor Enroll
Indicates whether the student advisor (Student Scheduling Advisor permission) has access to online scheduling (can make changes on behalf of a student)
Admin Enroll
Indicates whether the scheduling administrator (Student Scheduling Admin permission) has access to online scheduling (can make changes on behalf of a student)
Indicates whether the student has access to the Student Course Requests page
This also indicates whether student advisors and other administrative users can access the Student Course Requests page on behalf of the student
Student Register
Indicates whether the student can use the Save button (a student can have access to course requests without the ability to make changes)
Advisor Register
Indicates whether the student advisor (Student Scheduling Advisor permission) has access to course requests (and can make changes on behalf of a student)
Admin Enroll
Indicates whether the scheduling administrator (Student Scheduling Admin permission) has access to course requests (and can make changes on behalf of a student)
Indicates whether the student should be able to receive emails (e.g. sent via the Online Student Scheduling Dashboard)
Indicate whether wait-listing is available for the student
No Batch
When checked, student class enrollments cannot be changed during batch student scheduling (Student Sectioning Solver screen). These students, however, do count against the class / configuration / course / reservation limits.
Advisor Can Set Status
Student advisors can use the Online Student Scheduling Dashboard to change student status to this status (must have Student Scheduling Change Student Status permission)
Course Request Validation
Use the custom course request validation when configured. Custom course request validation can be used to provide additional validation for the entered course requests, to request overrides, and/or to check student eligibility to register.
Special Requests
Use the custom special registration when configured. Custom special registration can be used to provide the Scheduling Assistant with the ability to request registration overrides (e.g., during late registration).
Message to be displayed when the student tries to enroll
Start Date, Start Time, End Date, End Time
An effective period (time window) can be defined for the status. Students are not allowed to make any changes outside of the effective period (unless allowed by the fallback status).
The effective period starts (or ends) at midnight when the start time (or end time) is not defined.
Fallback Status
Fallback status when outside of the effective period. The fallback status can also have an effective period defined and its own fallback status.
If there are course types defined (Course Types screen). It is possible to define which courses a student can request in the Online Student Scheduling Dashboard. In this case, there is a toggle for each of the course types defined. There is also a toggle (named Other) that applies to all course offerings that do not have a course type set.
The two icons at the end of each line are
+ icon: Add a new line to add a new student scheduling status type
- icon: Remove a student scheduling status type from the list
Save changes and go back to the Student Scheduling Status Types screen
Go back to the Student Scheduling Status Types screen without saving any changes